переходите на темную сторону, у нас печеньки!(с) //「殺して...」と微笑みながら頬に触れた(c)Gackt
Мега актуальный вопрос на ближайшие полторы недели: где найти такого милого директора любой московской/подмосковной школы, который согласится поставить мне печать за денюжку?
переходите на темную сторону, у нас печеньки!(с) //「殺して...」と微笑みながら頬に触れた(c)Gackt
Illegally uploaded Youtube videos containing content from the broadcast company SBS will now be deleted.
On the 14th, Youtube joined forces with the Korea Copyrights Commision and SBS Contents Hub to revitalize the protection of TV broadcast shows being uploaded onto Youtube. With this collaboration, Youtube will use its content verification technology (CID, Contents Identification) to delete any videos containing content related to SBS broadcasts. This is the first time a Korean broadcast company has taken the action of filtering out videos in order to regulate violations and protect their company’s copyrights. Youtube and SBS are also making plans to review how they apply their advertising models in their contents. The president of Google Korea and Managing Director of Google Asia stated, “This new collaboration is to contribute to the healthy distribution of online contents. In the future, we will establish a proper awareness of copyright in the online world, and create an environment where internet users can enjoy the quality of content without having to fear copyright infringements.” (с)akp
Ну вот не гавнюки? Ощущение, будто sbs деньги теряет